Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What it is...

It is what it is, that's what!

So, made it back from NYC safely, had a great trip, BDSM fun(work), and some nature roaming as well. While at The "Farm", I rode the resident mountain bike down the road a bit. I'm a quite accomplished mtn. bike rider, I like to ride a lil on the "extreme" end at times (go figure). By that, I mean down steep grades on trails off the side of a mountain or nice sized hill, thru mud puddles, and over rocks, almost smashing into a tree, adrenaline pumping....YEEEEEOWYEA! Adrenaline? Yes, please:) Anyways, I found this awesome lil spot off the road up the way, and as temptation for adventure would have it, I parked the cycle, hopped off, and up the "mountain" I went. Prolly a good 700ft. incline I would estimate I hiked up, and yes, climbed up some rocks too, I like doin that;) There was this one cleft that was about a good 30 ft. off the ground, and I scaled it and then dangled from the edge for a few, eyes closed, just tuning into nature and the moment at hand...that's what I call Zen. :) Ahhhhhh.... Some simply amazing rock formations up there in those hills I found. Slate or Limestone rock I think, don't quote me on that tho, but amazing I tellz you...So, Im'a put up a lil slide show from that here.:) So, all in all, good trip, good times, and glad to be home...:)

especially since...

As I was lifting off the ground in Newark to journey back to my side of the coast, my son was hit by a car...:( He's ok, badly scraped leg, and a broken skateboard, and one hell of a lesson learned about paying attention! The accident was actually the car drivers fault, however, I consider them both at fault, yes, I said it.

Here's why...The light was red, the lady was getting ready to make a righthand turn. My son was on the corner coming fast and even though he had the WALK signal...I have told him time and TIME again, STILL STOP, and LOOK ALL ways! Just because you have the "green" doesn't mean you can't get hit! Case in point proven. I've always tried to tell him and talk to him about the fact that you HAVE to watch out for other people, b/c they may not see you, or be watching out for you. I reinforced the fact that it could have been much worse than a scraped leg...I'm sure your imagination can take over here and imagine the horrible possibilities. So, in closing, crisis handled, my heart has finally stopped skipping beats, and I think the boy learned a lesson, and even the lady as well. I spoke with her yesterady by phone, and VERY nicely also stated that she should learn from this too, to always be paying a little bit closer attention, cause you just never know.

Onto other news...

Well, I am supposed to be travelling to LA on Sun-Tue of this coming week for work, however, I haven't recieved confirmation yet, so who knows about that at this point, as we are like what- 4 days away, and I have no plane ticket? Hmmmmm....I digress....

Actually the break will be nice. I have been going non-stop for 2 months now, travelling all over the US. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining one bit, quite the opposite, I am very grateful for the work and times I have had this summer, but geeeeeeezuzzzzz.....I'M TIRED!!!!!! lol!

My Mommy is coming next week for a visit, I am sooo excited! Always good to see the Moms! And then, always good to see her go! LOL! JUST KIDDING;) I love my Ma, we haven't always had it easy, but hey, if it was easy it wouln't be worth it right? ;)

Got an event I am planning for the 16th of Oct. thru my production company...wooo hooo!! That business has really started going, I am so happy, and optimistic of its success, wish me luck! (Good luck self) ;)

Ok, that's it for now, I've rambledambled on a good bit now.;)

Hope everyone is well and happy, Cheers!!!

Kali :)

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