Saturday, June 6, 2009

Let's go to the outer limits for a tid bit....


As I sit alone...
in this bar,
wondering where you are, and who I am,
I ponder~
Am I in your thoughts,


Maybe not?

Lane crones away,
the pains of my day.

Oh, I fucked up-
been a baaaaad gurl,
run out my luck and welcome...

So, things for awhile went well,
now they tumble back into the hell,
that I know all too well...

So much on my mind,
I no longer have time,
to pity this-life,
this situation-

Brings no ease...

Oh! But I amim to please,
don't I?

Or do I?

Perhaps I am just dying
a slow confusing death...


I do this best,
writhe and suffocate in my misery,
exist alone in pain.


Or, something I imagined to feel?

Cause, I don't know anymore,
I sold myself out,
to this greedy world.

Sucked under,
let no man thrust asunder,
the myth that I am,
to the common man.

Just empty...

Knocking on my own door,


it's me again....the whore,
the world's dirty little fantasy,
an empty anomaly.

Have I stated this before?

What should this life be?
Does it yet remain to me,

A mystery?


Did I finally figure it out,
just still sucked into denial and doubt~

Of what I really am...

The whore daughter of man?

Copyright~LCH~all words~Circa 2003

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